
The Youth Future Workshop

What is a Youth Future Workshop?
The Youth Future Workshop is an event where young people come together to discuss the future and develop ideas. It is a place where youth can freely express their opinions and ideas.

In the Future Workshop, young people have the opportunity to exchange their thoughts on topics such as education, environment, work, technology, and social issues. They can share their concerns and hopes and work together to find solutions.

Space and Methods
The workshop provides space for discussions, brainstorming, and creativity. Participants can gather ideas, plan projects, and inspire each other. Various methods are often used to promote the creativity and engagement of young people, such as group work, role-playing, or presentations.

The Goal
The goal of the Youth Future Workshop is to encourage young people to actively engage with their future and participate in decision-making processes. It is about hearing their voices and including their perspectives in shaping the future.

The Outcome
The outcomes of the Future Workshop can be diverse. Concrete projects or activities can emerge that are implemented by the participants. Recommendations and proposals can also be formulated to initiate changes and be presented to decision-makers.


School exemption

To all students, apprentices, and employees from Wörnitz:
If you are between the ages of 12 and 20, you can participate in the Youth Future Workshop. Since it takes place in the morning, you can request leave from school or work. You can find detailed information here:


 Please clarify this with the school administration or management in advance. The earlier, the better. The schools have been notified and are aware of the workshop. Usually, your parents submit a leave request, either online or in writing, and the school approves it. Important reasons such as an examination may speak against granting leave. At the end of the workshop, participants will receive a certificate as proof of their participation.

Feel free to call if anything remains unclear or if you need assistance: 0163 9853069.

"Isn't it unfair for students from Wörnitz to get time off school while others don't?" Well, it depends. Students from other municipalities and cities can express their interest, and together we will explore how forms of youth participation can also be initiated there.

The application for apprentices and employees:

Antrag auf Freistellung für Azubis und Arbeitnehmer*innen





The Future Plan Wörnitz

The Problem
In recent years, young people have often been neglected. They have had to sacrifice a lot and feel like they are not being taken seriously. Schools place high demands on them, and the future worries them. More and more young people are withdrawing and not actively participating in clubs and groups.

The Idea
That's why we have launched the Wörnitz Future Plan. It focuses on sports, culture, and health. The great thing about it is that young people can actively participate. They can contribute their ideas and discuss them. Studies have shown that people feel better when they have a say and can make decisions.

To turn ideas into reality, there is a separate budget for young people. This is important because they should have the opportunity to create their own offerings and organize themselves.

The Committee
Here, young people can implement their projects. They discuss ideas, form networks, and plan the initial project steps. It is important that the committee consists mainly of young people. However, adults are also needed to assist with the implementation and provide guidance.

It should not be limited to individual projects: young people can organize themselves, for example, in a youth council and directly contribute to local politics. They can participate in decision-making processes that affect young people. They can provide advice and bring their own perspective. They can experience and shape democracy live and directly. Of course, they need the support of politics and the community.

The Grand Goal
The goal of the Wörnitz Future Plan is to pave the way for young people and make the initial steps towards youth participation. There are many challenges awaiting us as a society. We urgently need the innovation and imagination of young people so that they can contribute to a livable future for everyone. We should support them with all our experience and expertise.

Das Zukunftspaket für Bewegung, Kultur und Gesundheit ist ein Programm des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ). Es wird umgesetzt von der Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung (gsub) und der Stiftung SPI. Der Programmteil „Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung im Zukunftspaket" wird verantwortet von der Deutschen Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DKJS).